Thursday, 25 July 2013

Heat Waves and Thunder Storms!

Hello lovely people.

Wow! Summer has finally arrived bringing hot days and muggy nights. I hear people complaining of the heat and smile to myself because in about 4 months time the very same people will be complaining of the cold and wet and possibly the snow! I like the changing of the seasons and the different types of weather they bring. I love the summer and being able to wear nice summery dresses and clothes. I love the autumn which brings the cooler weather and the changing colours of the leaves on the trees. I love the winter and being able to snuggle up under warm fluffy duvets watching films and I love the spring which brings new colours and snippets of colour after the winter months when everything has died back.

July has brought the arrival of a new Royal Baby and we saw the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their bundle of joy. I've been waiting to hear from 2 sets of friends who have also been waiting for their little bundles to arrive. Baby Brawn was safely delivered by c section in the wee small hours of this morning. I am now waiting to hear that Baby Leaves has arrived safely. The circle of life can be a very cruel thing. A family who are neighbours have had a very trying time over the last few years and this year has been no different. They have celebrated the birth of 2 babies but have also had to mourn the loss of a much loved brother/uncle at the same time to cancer. I really hope that this lovely family is given a break now, they are lovely people and if they are reading this they know we are thinking of them and holding them close in our thoughts.

On the arthritis side of things, many people say the weather affects their pain levels and the warmer the weather the less pain they are in and the more mobility they have. I really wish this were true for me. Because I have bone on bone the pain is as it always is....bloody awful! My back pain has been aggravated by the recent thunderstorms so part of the rumour must be true.

I had a phone call from my boss yesterday advising me that HR have decided that I am now to be fully signed off and not working until I have seen my surgeon at the RNOH. Luckily for me the appointment is on 7th August and I have a weeks annual leave which has been agreed I can take from 12th August. The Workplace Adjustments team have been in contact about whether I am eligible under the Access to Work Scheme for a taxi to and from the office. This would be fantastic if this was agreed. Working from home is great but you do miss the social interaction with your team members and colleagues. Also you miss out on support. My boss informed me that the office the team is being moved to in September does not have disabled access. As the building was converted prior to a certain date it is at the landlords discretion whether to have disabled access installed. The building is not owned by the company like other buildings so unfortunately nothing can be done which leaves me in a bit of a pickle. IF they agree to a taxi to and from work I can use my crutches and struggle up the steps into the building but if they say no to the taxi I will need to use the Ferrari to get into London and then I wont be able to get into the building :-/  Anyway this is in the hands of the workplace adjustments team and hopefully they will be able to sort something out.

Didn't we have some spectacular thunder storms the other night?! I nearly fell out of bed with a huge clap of thunder which was overhead. Harry monster woke up scared which is understandable. The twins however slept right through the storm. Paul, Harry and Myself sat in the bedroom window watching the lightening show, which was amazing! and counting waiting for the thunder. Making the storm into a game relaxed Harry and he was no longer frightened. He eventually went back to sleep in his own bed!

Tomorrow night Paul and  are going out for dinner with some friends of ours and I can't wait! We are going to a lovely Chinese restaurant in Hornchurch and I have a nice new frock to wear and a beautiful pendant Paul has made for me!
Aren't I a lucky lady! Its a beautiful hand made gold heart pendant with peridots and white sapphires. My birth stone is the peridot and Pauls is sapphires. He has chosen white sapphires as they compliment the peridots. The piece is stunning and I am looking forward to wearing it! Paul has been working on his website for his jewellery and that will be going live soon! In previous posts I have put up his Facebook page for his jewellery so have a wander over and a look at some of the pieces he has made.
July also has brought the end of an era. George and Amelia have finished the nursery class at Hacton Primary School and are ready to go into the Reception Class. They finished their year at Nursery with a little concert which we went to watch as very proud parents!  Harry got an Achievement Award at school for his hard work and progress in Speech and language. All 3 of my kiddies got wonderful school reports making me one extremely proud mama!
Back to the Arthritis bit! My DLA claim was re-evaluated and I have been awarded the higher mobility rate! The lady who phoned to do an over the phone assessment was wonderful and very understanding and I have my GP to thank for the report he sent in about my challenges and condition. On the whole July has been a positive month and fingers crossed I will get some positive news from the workplace adjustment team soon. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed me for my appointment at the RNOH on 7th August! I will be sure to let you know how I get on.
Keep well and relatively pain free everyone and enjoy the warmer will soon be gone :-)

Monday, 1 July 2013


Its been over a week or so since I last sat down to blog. Much has happened and lots of things I want to tell you all about are running round in my head, so lets start!

As you all know I use the Ferrari to get out and about as it makes it a lot easier and the arthritis doesn't hit me with pain when I am enjoying family time or shopping. Have you ever noticed that the chip and pin machines are so high up?! I've always taken it for granted that I buy something, put card in machine and enter PIN. Some shops the machine is moveable so I'm able to enter the details. I went to Boots to hand in my prescription and the pharmacy part has an incredibly high counter. I was sat there for a good 10 minutes before the assistant noticed me. You may ask why I didn't speak up, but I wanted to prove a point and waited to me noticed. If I was stood up then they would have noticed me almost straight away. When I was attended to I wasn't able to sign my script as the pen is on a chain to prevent people from pinching them. The assistant eventually came out from behind the castle wall and handed me her pen to sign the script. In future I think I will be letting Paul pick up my prescriptions as the high street chemist is certainly not disability friendly.

While I am on my soap box about accessibility. Doctors surgeries!...mine has steps up into it and if you get an appointment with the GP upstairs there is no lift. In fairness the surgery is held in a converted 1930's house but still I would have thought there would be a ramp to get into the building. To be honest I wouldn't be able to get the Ferrari into the doctors room as it is a standard doorway. I have to be driven to the surgery and use my crutches to get in and out. I'm lucky because Paul is able to take me to my appointments and also take the children to theirs if they need them.

I think I mentioned in my previous post that my GP had signed me off for a further 8 weeks which takes me up to 14th August which is in the middle of my weeks annual leave. Boss man has been very understanding but had to consult HR who advised I should have an occupational health review with their 3rd party external OH consultants. Not a problem as far as I'm concerned as I have nothing to hide and I am keen to keep working. I am currently working from home which has helped a great deal with managing Mr OA. The Occupational Health Consultant phoned and did the review over the phone. It lasted just over the hour so I am glad that they phoned me ;-) The chap was very helpful, very understanding and I didn't feel as though I was being accused of anything or that they thought I was lying. I had already signed a medical disclosure document but they advised that they didn't need to request a report from my GP or Specialist. They have agreed that I should continue to work from home until I can have reconstructive surgery. At that point they will request a report from the surgeon and agree a phased return to work. I'm now waiting for the report to be written up and forwarded to my boss and wait for his and HR's decision. Fingers crossed they take the HR advice.

Moo is doing really well at her dance class, at the moment I haven't had chance to attend, Paul the wonderful Hubby takes her. Moo is now practicing for her first dance exam which is the Samba! Watch out Strictly, here comes Moo! :-) Harry Monster is still enjoying his football and played another tournament this weekend. All the boys at Tigers White Socks played very well. George has finally decided that he would like to try Karate so we have now found him a class!

Saturday afternoon was Family time and we took the kids to the cinema to see Despicable Me 2. Such fun! It was the first time we have taken then to the cinema and I wasn't sure if they would sit and watch the film all the way through or keep getting up to go to the toilet. To our amazement they watched the whole film. I recommend the film, I was chuckling all the way through!

Quite late on Saturday evening I received a friend request on good old Facebook. I had no idea who this person was and because the notification came through on my phone I decided to wait until the morning to check it out. Now FB has a messaging system and if someone is not on your friends list and they message you the message goes into your 'other' inbox. ...confusing I know! Well I noticed that this person had messaged me saying they had seen pictures on my Prom and was it the 28th June that I had the palominos booked for. Even more confusion on my part.....I'm 32 not 16 and when I was at school we didn't have a prom.....should I feel as though I am missing out?! LOL! The woman had not only sent a friend request but had subscribed to my FB profile and was now following me...Oh Dear God, I thought to my self, I've now got a FB stalker!

Well, as it turns out my lovely sister in law does horse drawn weddings and funerals and this family had booked her and the palominos for the 28th June, however one of the horses is ill, has gone lame and is unable  to work. They were offered a beautiful pair of Greys (White Horses) for the day but this was declined and they received a full refund. It wasn't a last minute decision as they were informed a good 2 weeks prior so a replacement could be arranged.  Natasha was working on her page and put up some pictures from a prom done last year. A good picture and a good bit of marketing. I naturally liked the picture and the stalker jumped to conclusions and assumed that it was my prom and that Natasha had cancelled their wedding to do the Prom. Then decided to be low and start sending private messages to people. The woman then posted comments on the page that could be taken as defamatory. These comments were naturally removed. She didn't respond to my reply to her message explaining that it definitely wasn't my prom but she is still following me!

Have a wander over to her page...she has two...a group and a page. Please select like and share! She does wonderful day experiences as well as proms and weddings! She did our wedding nearly 3 years ago and the horse and carriage certainly made me feel like a princess in a fairy tale! is the link to the Page A M Carriages, is the link to the group!
 This is my Dad and me on my wedding day!

I've been cake baking again! ...this time it was a mojito cake....very yummy and light, perfect for the summer! I've not got a picture available for the blog but there is a picture on my cake page Cake Anyone....have a look!

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer sun, lets hope it hangs around for a while.

Until next time stay safe x