Thursday, 19 June 2014

Its been a while.....

It's been a while since I last posted. Things have been moving at a pace and my health has not been the best, in fact I have had another partial knee replacement, 2 further hospital stays, 2 MRI's, a number of x-rays, bilateral hearing aids fitted and received the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis, both are autoimmune diseases and inflammatory forms of arthritis. My liver has thrown a major strop so I have been taken of Pregablin which is a med for the fibromyalgia and I am waiting to start Methotrexate for the RA and hurry up liver and behave!

When you have ill health or challenging times you certainly find out who your friends are. We have learnt this the hard way and the betrayal leaves you reeling and completely unsure of who you can trust. The one thing I do know is my 3 children and Paul (My Rock) are the only ones that matter and I would go to the ends of the earth for them. Its a sorry state of affairs and after talking to a number of other people have found it is not an uncommon occurrence. I feel for those who do not have a support net work or a loving and supportive partner. That's the good thing about online support groups. I have found a couple and couldn't be without them.

People often don't realise the impact that illness has on the partner of the person. Partners want to be strong and hide their feelings so that the person who is ill doesn't get upset or worried. Partners who turn into carers have their own worries and it is important that they have some time to themselves and someone else to talk to.

Health issues have come to a head recently and I have been signed off from work for a further 3 months which will no doubt end in medical dismissal. I have had a fantastic career and met and worked with some fantastic and talented people. I haven't found any relief from a recent high dose steroid injection I have had, so far it has made me really weepy. To be the main income earner and to have an illness which causes pain, inflammation, fatigue and mobility issues (to name but a few) is a lot of pressure. I am thankful to Paul and his support, I would be lost without him. I am trying to remain positive and look to the future, hopefully it is one where pain is controlled and kept to a minimum so I can enjoy my children growing up and becoming lovely independent young people.