One of my frustrations and I know the frustrations of other younger arthritis sufferer's is the common misconception that it is an old persons disease. It's not. I know a number of younger people struggling through day to day routines trying to find the most appropriate and effective treatment to alleviate pain. There are a number of websites, Facebook groups and support groups about. More awareness needs to be made. Younger people with OA tend not to be eligible for replacement surgery which they ultimately need, due to their age and the life span of the joints. Consequently they live in pain with limited mobility.
Just my rant for the day.Time to get of my soap box! x
I have enjoyed reading your posts. I have had arthritis and fibromyalgia for a few years now and have found it hard being hit with a curve ball. Not being able to walk out at all some days. Some good days alternating with bad days. I have older children - so it has been a help when I couldn't even manage hanging the washing out. Carrying things especially heavy loads, not being able to push a trolley, stairs - all sorts of things that people don't understand why I can't do things as they think I am too young to 'be old' - though I am 56 now. I think because I was always so active before. It has been frustrating. i don't have a supportive partner unfortunately and for some reason have been turned down for dla three times now - so currently no income. But I do have a free bus pass off the council which is useful :-) It is encouraging to see other young people struggling with this disease and know we are not alone.