Saturday, 21 September 2013

The Countdown Begins!

It's been a few weeks since I have last sat down to put something on my blog. Life and arthritis have run away with me or got in the way. Whichever way you look at it I just haven't had enough minutes with a clear head to be able to write anything coherent. I don't know about anyone else but pain and brain fog can encompass my whole being and I can't see past that day, hour, minute or second.

September has been a busy month. Hubby had a birthday followed the next day by our gorgeous twins turning 5. The twins also started full time school in the reception class at the local primary school. Football training, dance classes and Beavers all resumed normal service of filling up evenings and weekends. Parties have been had and attended, cakes baked and eaten. Spoons used, borrowed and used again. In the background of all the madness and family life the countdown to the first of my knee replacement surgeries, which will hopefully mark the start of me gaining more mobility and a less pain filled existence has begun, slowly ticking away in the background.

Sometimes I wonder if my GP clutches at straws, or I get him on a day when he is tired and jumps at the first thing that comes to mind. I went to see him about some other symptoms I have, mainly: pain, extreme tiredness, tingling sensations that are not pins and needles, double vision, the cool breeze feeling on my eyes like I have got too close to the pot of vick, and dizziness. My GP's diagnosis......Depression. I filled in the questionnaire he gave me and I scored 5 because of the tiredness. I do not have feelings of failure and wanting to harm myself. 10 days later I go back to see the GP again with the same symptoms because they are steadily getting worse and I feel he didn't listen to me the last time. The diagnosis this time round......Migraines. Needless to say I was rather when I left. I have had double vision since I started secondary school and I wear glasses with a prism in them which sorts out the double vision. I wear glasses for distance vision and reading glasses for doing just that....reading! As a last resort I made an appointment at the opticians for my 3rd eye test this year. The result of which I have been referred back to the hospital as there is a massive difference in my prescription. The optician is concerned about the double vision and the dryness in my eyes. She filled in the referral form which I then gave to my GP. This was Thursday, with a bit of luck I will get a phone call from the GP surgery to pick up the choose and book form to make an appointment at the hospital soon. Fingers crossed this will give me some answers.

3 weeks today I will have a new right knee. I have 14 working days left, 6 of those are in the office in London so that is 12 long taxi journeys left and 8 more days working from home before operation get new knee commences. I am excited. People just don't seem to understand why I am. Of course I am nervous and apprehensive, this is a big operation with pain and a lot of physiotherapy afterwards. But...I have spent too long in pain, not being able to sleep, not being able to get about, using crutches and being pushed in a wheelchair. I am 33 not 83 and I am pinning all my hopes that these surgeries will put an end to these days and bring back a degree of normality to my life. I want to be able to open a door and walk through it. Go shopping and be able to pay for my shopping without straining to see over the counter and reach the chip and pin machine. Walk down the street holding my kids hands. Run in the park with the kids. Walk down the street holding Paul's hand instead of him pushing me in the wheelchair and me avoiding the pittying looks people give him. The other month George got a bit upset when we were shopping in Romford. He grabbed my hand and said "Mama, people keep looking at you." I gave him a hug and said "It's ok babba, they are just jealous of Mama's red wheels, ok?" I don't think people realise they are staring and the hurt that can be caused by staring at someone who is a little be less fortunate than themselves. I'm a strong person, I have to be, but I have an amazing family supporting me too who don't care that I need the sticks and the wheelchair. Who just want me to be pain free.

The countdown continues......

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Community Spirit, Introducing Arthur!

That's it! I've had enough! I can't take anymore! I am completely and utterly fed up of being in pain, hurting, aching, not being mobile and being exhausted all of the time. Arthritis is trying to break me and at the moment it seems as though it is winning. I keep blaming all my other symptoms on Mr OA but after talking with friends on an online support group I am getting myself checked out by my GP tomorrow morning just to make sure there isn't anything else going on or if the medication I am currently taking is just not suitable for me anymore. I'll talk quite bluntly about this as there maybe someone out there who may be able to offer some helpful comments or advice. Apologies if I offend anyone!

As you all know I have stage 3 OA in both my knees and suspected in my hips although I have only had an x-ray which showed borderline for the hips. I am exhausted ALL of the time. I do something and I then need to sit down or even better lay down for a while. I can fall asleep at any point during the day but continue to struggle to sleep at night waking up in extreme pain every couple of hours through the night. My right hip is especially painful and nothing seems to help fully although I am using the tens machine more and more on my hip and lower back to take the edge of the pain. I ache all over and my arms and legs feel weak. I suffer with double vision and have done since I was a teenager and I wear glasses with a prism to help this, but now I am struggling to control the double vision and the optician says my prescription is suitable. Finally....I need to pee lots! and when I go I don't seem to empty my bladder fully and end up needing to go again shortly after I have just been. And don't get me started on brain fog and not being able to remember things! This is all very frustrating for someone who has limited mobility and is fighting pain on a constant basis. I am hoping there is a simple explanation for this and I don't have to battle something else. With a bit of luck my GP will be able to shed some light and put my mind at ease.  I suppose one of the better side effects of the tramadol is that I don't have a big appetite anymore, in fact I don't have an appetite and I have lost 1 stone 3 lbs in under 3 months...which is good for my figure! ;-)

I hear people say 'Community Spirit doesn't exist anymore'. I have been humbled by the number of people who live in our street who stop and ask how I am doing, if I need anything just to knock and ask, and people who just stop and say hello. I don't even know the names of some of these people. I know roughly where they live and I am now making a concerted effort to get to know them better...starting by learning their name, hopefully I will remember their names! So that's the physical community of the street I live in. Also there is community spirit in the online community. I am a member of a number of support forums and an admin on one. The support that people from all walks of life and from all over the globe give people is heart warming. Just to chat with someone who is going through what you are going through and who understands really helps. I have made some lovely friends online. Also I have some long standing understanding friends. I am very blessed to have the support I do, and of course I have my rock too, Paul xxx

When I go into hospital for big/major surgeries I get a new teddy bear to keep me company! I'd like to introduce you to Arthur Ritis, my new Hospital Bear!
Arthur will be going with me to hospital on 11th October to keep me company. The kids love him and helped make him at Build a Bear!

Until next time. Keep safe and hope you all have a pain free day xxx