Friday, 5 January 2018

When the Media make a JOKE out of Fibromyalgia

Having lived with chronic pain throughout my teenage years and all of my adult life I have dedicated my time and energy to raising much needed awareness of all Invisible illnesses and disabilities. Now how do you think I felt when a popular day time TV programme presented by Eamon Holmes and Ruth Langsford does a segment on Fibromyalgia with a woman who dresses up as a doll, twirls around, wears sky scraper heels and a cement mixer full of make up? Yep you got it....annoyed doesn't quite cut it. I'm down right angry, disappointed and disgusted.

Towards the end of last year I had been approached to go on This Morning and talk about living with Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia following the film Lady Gaga released about living with the condition herself. I spoke at length with the researchers and they took an in depth history from me. Transport was arranged. Then arrangements changed and Dr Ranj was to come to my home and interview me for the show however at the 11th hour the story was dropped and a story on having sex with aliens was run instead but with This Morning informing me they are still interested in running the story to RAISE AWARENESS.

Then today they run this ridiculous story basically making fun of the disabled and chronic pain community. Let me tell you this.....I would LOVE to wear high heels, get dressed up, wear make up and have my hair done but the reality is I struggle to get up, I need help getting dressed, my hubby is my carer as are my children. I've lost my job due to these shitty illnesses and This Morning feel fit to make a mockery out of our struggles, our horrendous crippling pain and fatigue. My go to clothes are my leggings or pj's. I wear flat boring shoes or boots. I'm guessing the plight of the disabled and chronic pain community is not interesting enough for the TV ratings but yet its ok for the media to make fun of us.

I spend my life raising awareness and in one TV show they have disregarded and put back the work of myself and all the other campaigners. The Disabled and Chronic Pain Community are NOT a laughing stock. All we want is understanding, awareness, compassion and to be believed.....its not a lot to ask is it?

1 comment:

  1. Here,here couldn't agree with you more Catherine. Like we need any more negative media with the stories that have been running the past few years.
