Saturday 13 April 2013

Snazzy Sticks

Arthritis is no fun and like everyone else I have good days and bad days. As I can only move around with the use of elbow crutches I decided I wanted something colourful, something to cheer-up what could be a depressing situation so I took the advice of the lovely Cara and searched the internet and found some snazzy sticks. I do have a couple of walking sticks too but at the moment I am unable to use them. They were great for keeping in the car or when Paul took me out for dinner...more sophisticated!

Switch Sticks are a good company, not too expensive and delivery is quick and from what I remember free!

Here are some pictures!
This is my selection!

These are my latest buy. £49.99 but well worth the money. I got these to cheer me up after my last surgery as I was very down. I took them on holiday with me too!
This is a close up of my walking sticks. It's a shame I can't use them at the moment. These sticks also come in fold up!

When we see the consultant next week we are going to discuss a wheelchair assessment. My GP things it would be a good idea for when we are out and about. I know the waiting list can be several weeks and they can give you a voucher to the value of an NHS chair if you didn't want to have an NHS one. I am hoping that there is a colourful selection somewhere if the assessment says I need one.

So far today the sun is shining, my 5 year old son has gone to football practice with his Daddy and I am having some quality time with the twins.


  1. I'm pretty sure you can do a bang up custom paint job on your wheelchair if the colours are boring. You're certainly talented enough at artwork and Paul's no slouch either!

  2. Very true Lady P! Paul was saying that he can pimp some sticks for me too! x

  3. After years of using a walking stick I finally admitted that it would always be there. Then I thought they may as well be bright, so found a couple I liked on e bay. I have a red paisley stick and one with flowers climbing up for very little (e bay).

    1. fantastic Morag! ebay has some great stuff on it. im rather tall 5'11 and was worried that some of the sticks wouldnt extend long enough and I cant use the fold up ones as they come a bit short for me. your thoughts are the same as mine...if youve got to usr it it might as well be bright! hope you are having a good day today x

  4. I came across some funky cohesive bandage (sticks to itself, easy to move and remove) that is easy to wrap round walking sticks and does a fantastic job of cheering them up. Try these sites: (this is the next one to go on mine!)


  5. That's great for those of you with outgoing personalities! Personally, I just use my plain Cooper stick for around the house, and a plain red fold-up one from Argos for the discreet occasional use to and from the car at work (don't have to use it very often, but sometimes after 8 hours on my feet on the ward getting back to the car can be painful). Like I say, I don't often need to use them, so still feel very self-conscious/shy when I do.

    1. I understand the feeling of being self-consious and shy. Walking with a stick isn't something you ever thought you would have to do. You have to feel comfortable with anything that you are using. Hope you are having a good day xx
